According to statistics, more than half of the male population on the planet over the age of 50 suffers from prostatitis. In fact, the percentage is much higher. After all, this dangerous disease often begins without symptoms and only later manifests itself as an acute inflammatory process. For its treatment, both pharmaceutical drugs and traditional medicine are used. For example, pumpkin seeds with honey have worked well for prostatitis. The recipe for this medicine is very simple and accessible to everyone.
Cause of disease

Prostatitis is not always the result of age-related changes. It usually occurs as a result of a urinary tract infection. Sometimes the disease is preceded by inflammation after hypothermia.
A healthy body with a strong immune system can easily withstand pathogenic microbes that appear suddenly or a small focus of inflammation. Unfortunately, stress, bad habits, and congestion in the pelvis due to a sedentary lifestyle or inactive work favor the development of this disease. People who like to have sex and, conversely, those who choose not to have risky sex. Any extreme has a negative effect on prostate health.
Symptoms of prostatitis

There are acute and chronic prostatitis. With the acute nature of the disease, as a rule, the temperature rises to 40 ° C, acute pain appears in the perineum and the urination process becomes very difficult. Chronic prostatitis for a long time manifests itself with a slightly elevated temperature of 37 ° C, weak and intermittent urination, problems with erection, weakness and irritability. With this form of the disease, acute pain most often does not occur. Prostatitis tends to transition from a chronic state to an acute state and vice versa. This wave-like course of the disease can last for years.
How to treat?
To get rid of it, treatment must be comprehensive and include massage, taking pharmaceutical drugs with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, taking vitamins and drugs that strengthen the immune system. And you can not ignore traditional medicine, which is no less effective than medicine.
Many products have unique features that can make life easier for prostatitis patients and speed up their recovery. For example, propolis, aloe juice, sea buckthorn and linseed oil, as well as garlic and pumpkin seeds are very often used in traditional medicine recipes. At home, you can prepare candles and compresses from sea buckthorn or propolis, medicinal herbal decoctions, berry tinctures and douching solutions. One of the most comfortable and pleasant treatments is a composition based on pumpkin seeds and honey.
The nature of pumpkin seeds

They contain a large amount of vegetable protein, fat and fiber. Among useful substances, zinc has a certain value. It is considered a true male microelement, directly affecting the function of the genital organs, the quality and quantity of sperm, and the health of the prostate gland. In addition, pumpkin seeds dilate blood vessels, improve blood composition and strengthen the heart muscle. They also have the following beneficial effects:
- Thanks to fiber, the digestive process improves significantly and the intestines are cleaned of feces.
- Vitamins K, E and A improve the condition of the skin and hair. Healing of deep wounds and ulcers is accelerated.
- This product can significantly improve vision. Amino acids contained in seeds have a good effect on the retina, and vitamin A makes vision sharper.
- Regular intake of seeds helps reduce cholesterol levels and prevent plaque deposition on the blood vessel walls. Since men, as a rule, begin to experience atherosclerosis, thrombosis and varicose veins earlier than women, this product has a special value for them.
- Due to the fact that the seeds can widen the walls of blood vessels, blood pressure is normalized in hypertensive patients and headache attacks disappear.
Pumpkin seeds are called antidepressants. Due to the fact that it contains the very rare amino acid tryptophan, a person who prefers this product practically does not experience depression or panic attacks. Her nerves are getting stronger and her mood is improving. Scientists have calculated that for prostate health, every man should take pumpkin seeds with honey every day. To make treatment more comfortable and convenient, various formulations are prepared from seeds with the addition of other components.
Contraindications for use
Like any other product, seeds also have restrictions on their use for certain diseases:
- Abuse of seeds with honey is very undesirable for patients with stomach and duodenal ulcers.
- People with gastritis should be careful and try not to eat pumpkin seeds during an exacerbation.
- For dysbacteriosis accompanied by diarrhea, treating prostatitis with pumpkin seeds and honey can cause involuntary bowel movements.
There is also a category of people who have individual intolerance to this product. They are strongly discouraged from using it in the preparation of any medicine.
Seeds with honey

We can talk endlessly about the benefits of honey. This unique product is found in many traditional medicine recipes. It plays an important role in the treatment of prostatitis. On its basis, suppositories, compresses, douching solutions and other medical products are prepared. Using honey with pumpkin seeds has its own benefits. Pumpkin seeds with honey for men are very tasty, easy to make and easy to store.
How to peel?
Since dry seeds break when peeled, you need to soften the skin and then release the seeds. To do this, use a weak solution of manganese and warm water. Manganese is needed to disinfect products to make them completely safe. After the seeds are poured with manganese solution, they are lightly shaken and left for 30 minutes. After the set time, slightly dry seeds are opened with scissors. Once cleaned, it is stored well. They can be dried in a pan or ground in a coffee grinder. Next, use pumpkin seeds with honey for prostatitis.
Honey candies

This treatment will bring a lot of pleasure, because this medicine is not only tasty, but also attractive in appearance. The seeds, peeled and dried in a pan, are ground into a powder and mixed with honey. The mass should be thick and viscous enough so that it is easy to form round balls from it. A piece of walnut is placed in the center of the candy, and a mixture of flour and ground cinnamon is sprinkled on top. Store natural delicacies in the refrigerator, covered with cling film. Pumpkin seeds with honey are eaten throughout the day, but only before meals or two hours after. Like any other medicine prepared at home, it should not be combined with the main food.
Seed powder
This method is suitable for those who, for whatever reason, do not want to form candy, but prefer to take the product separately. The seeds that have been cleaned and lightly roasted are passed through a blender and stored in an airtight container. Every morning, eat a teaspoon of the powder with a glass of warm honey water. To prepare it, just use a dessert spoon or a teaspoon of any natural honey. Keep in mind that this product should not be dissolved in boiling water, because biologically active ingredients very quickly turn into toxins and poison the body. Therefore, a person no longer receives medicine, but real poison. The course of treatment can be quite long. This medicine does not cause addiction or side effects. Sometimes powder and seeds are added to desserts, first or second courses.
This is an excellent prevention of male diseases and sterility. Scientists have calculated that for men's health, pumpkin seeds with honey should be eaten at least once a week.
With vegetable oil
This is another recipe for pumpkin seeds with honey. Using oil, you can prepare pumpkin paste, which is then spread on bread and eaten as a snack with tea. Preparing pasta is quite easy. The peeled and roasted seeds are ground in a blender and mixed with honey. Add a small amount of pumpkin oil to the pumpkin seeds with honey and mix everything thoroughly. The paste keeps well in the refrigerator for quite some time. This delicious dish can be eaten as much as you like. The main thing is that there are no contraindications to the use of beekeeping products and obesity, because this dessert is quite high in calories.
Pumpkin pulp with honey
In addition to the recipe for pumpkin seeds with honey, you can also use the pulp of this vegetable for prostatitis. Small sweet pumpkins are peeled, cut into cubes and placed on a baking sheet. The pulp is baked in the oven until a golden brown crust forms. The finished pumpkin is transferred to a dish, poured with honey mixed with cinnamon, and roasted and peeled seeds are sprinkled on top. Pumpkin contains a large amount of carotene, which restores the damaged tissue of all internal organs. Vitamin A has high regenerative properties and is involved in the process of cell renewal.
Pumpkin seed oil

Recently, more and more people pay attention to rare vegetable oils such as linseed, pumpkin, walnut and so on. Regular olive oil is replaced by products that were previously used exclusively in the preparation of homemade cosmetics for the restoration of healthy hair and facial skin.
Pumpkin oil is useful not only to take orally for prostatitis, but also to do an enema with it. To do this, mix some oil in warm water and add honey. This procedure is done no more than 2-3 times a week. It is recommended to empty the stomach first and clean the rectum with a regular enema. Therefore, the drug will act more effectively, and the patient will soon feel the first results.
With walnuts
This product contains a large amount of unsaturated amino acids. In terms of total antioxidants, walnuts are superior to other types of nuts. Please note that they are very high in calories, so too many pumpkin seeds, walnuts and honey can cause excess weight. It is recommended to eat no more than 3-4 medium-sized pieces per day. Partition is used to treat prostate adenoma, and the fruits have long been used to increase male potency and relieve infertility.
As a rule, they are ground in a blender together with pumpkin seeds and mixed with honey. The product is stored in the refrigerator and used daily. If you add pumpkin and walnut oil to nuts and pumpkin seeds with honey, the product will acquire the consistency of a paste, and its beneficial properties will only increase.
Dried fruit jam

This fresh jam has a unique ability not only to restore male strength and prevent the development of prostatitis, but also to treat many other diseases. It is no less effective than pumpkin seeds with honey for prostatitis. It strengthens the cardiovascular system, improves metabolism, restores bone and cartilage tissue and is involved in creating immunity. To prepare it, you need a few ingredients:
- hollowed prunes;
- dried apricots;
- raisins;
- figs;
- pumpkin seeds;
- Dear.
Dried fruits are taken about the same. You need a few seeds, but you need to take enough honey so that the jam acquires a soft consistency. Otherwise, it will be difficult to scoop the prepared dish with a spoon. All ingredients are spun in a blender and mixed with honey. The recipe for treating prostatitis with pumpkin seeds with honey and dried fruits is very effective. Use throughout the day in limited quantities. This medicine can relax the stomach and cause diarrhea, because it contains ingredients that have laxative properties.
User reviews
On the Internet you can often find reviews of people who have recovered with the help of folk remedies. In their opinion, one of the most effective ways to treat unpleasant male diseases is a recipe for pumpkin seeds with honey for prostatitis. In order for the product to work, you should eat about 2-3 tablespoons of the composition throughout the year. Patients note a significant strengthening of the immune system and a general improvement in health. They begin to sleep better and wake up less at night because of the urge to go to the toilet, their groin pain disappears, their sex life becomes normal, and even attraction to the opposite sex appears. All this affects the mental state of a man. He became more balanced and friendly. It's no secret that prostatitis often ruins a man's character, not for the better.
Patient reviews also recommend using seed powder along with honey water. To do this, just spin the peeled and slightly dried seeds in a blender, transfer them to a glass-covered container and eat about three times a day every day. To prepare honey water, simply stir a dessert or teaspoon of bee product in a glass of slightly warm boiled water.
In short, this drug can be used in many variations. After all, there are many recipes for pumpkin seeds with honey for prostatitis. In any case, this medicine will bring undeniable benefits and speed up the healing process.